Thursday, February 13, 2025

All NEW second GADGETs and balances for each brawler!


All NEW second GADGETs and balances for each brawler!

Here is today’s first Sneak Peek where we will talk about all the new second gadgets released on Brawl Stars and the Brawler balance changes.

Let’s start talking about the brawler balance changes which are very interesting and then I’ll show you all the gadgets too.

Brawler balance changes

Brawler Upgrades

Mister P.

Mr.P was among the least used brawlers and when chosen, “Excess Chili”
is the overriding choice. Having the stellar ability in basic attack should make the
much more interesting character overall.

  • Excess pounds it is part of the basic attack
  • New “Excess Chili”: Every 4 seconds, the next case deals 40% of
    more damage after bouncing
  • Revolving doors: Removed existing function
  • New “revolving doors”: Robotic assistants have 20% more life and the
    30% more damage

Just like with Mister P, playing Brock without “arsonist” is just plain awful.
Making it basic allows us to bring more playability into its kit and also allows us to
reuse his star abilities for something more interesting than just being
both related to his basic attack.

  • Arsonist is now part of the basic attack
  • New star skill: Brock rains 44% more rockets

Jacky it has been in a good choice so far, but Pan for hammer dominates the choice between
this is her second stellar ability, which is why we have strengthened her helmet
to make it more eye-catching.

  • Life saving helmetdamage reduction goes from 15 → 20%

The enhancement of “hive armor”Allows experienced Bea players to do
play quite interesting by holding down the second shot, reducing the damage for
second but being able to absorb significantly more damage.

  • Hive armordamage reduction goes from 20 → 30%

Gelindo was a niche choice and “impetuous burst” is even more so. Now
it should be a much more attractive choice and should excel on some maps
in certain compositions.

  • Impetuous burstprolonged stun from 1 → 1.5s

Griff has been hearing inflation lately, so we’re giving him a raise for
fight it.

  • Basic attack damageincreased from 220 → 260 damage per hit
I growl

Our favorite big dog is currently a very niche choice and indeed
only practicable with great coordination. Give it a little more power than
combat should allow him to do better against multiple Brawlers and even when
it is played alone.

  • Basic attack damage, increased from 500 → 560 damage per hit

Maxine hasn’t seen the limelight in a while, and adding some power
raw should help it shine again.

  • Basic attack damageincreased from 300 → 340 damage per hit
Health equipment
  • Updated: Passive Health Regeneration heals for an additional value of
    30/40/50% based on the level

Brawler debuffs


Even after his weakening, Grom dominated on most maps
and of the modalities. Having made the speed of his bullet constant means not being able to do
more reliance on automatic aiming, plus having fewer close-range shots, his
counter will be able to counter it more effectively.

  • The speed of the Grom bullet is now constant (same travel time
    regardless of distance)
  • Reduced the range of super shells from 25 to 17
  • Super will reload with 6 shots (instead of 7, buff (bug fix))

Tare it remained a little too good choice due to its versatility. Reduce
slightly its base damage will allow multiple brawlers to engage in one
1-on-1 match and will require more coordination from your teammates.

Base damage: 460 → 440 damage per hit


Barryl has seen better times due to his recent changes, but his shield
activated during super is a little too powerful, especially when chained with
his attacks, making him deadly and very penetrating.

  • Crazed Barrel damage reduction from 90% → 50% damage reduction

Read also BRAWL TALK in ITALIAN: Brawler EVE, 2 NEW Modes and more

All new second Gadgets

Now let’s talk about another big news coming in this update, the 10 new second gadgets.

Colette: Life Steal!

In the 5 seconds following the activation of the gadget, Colette recovers health equal to
80% of the damage it causes.

Lola: Stand-in

Lola and her ego swap places and restore 350 health points

Bibi: Glue

The next time Bibi uses the super, the chewing gum will slow down for 2
seconds the enemies it hits.

Emz: Acid cloud

The next cloud of lacquer sprayed by Emz will travel through the walls, but it will inflict the
20% less damage.

Grom: Radio control

Grom’s attack following activation of the gadget throws 3 walkie-talkies into
quick succession.

Byron: Recall

With the attack following the activation of the gadget, Byron fires 3 darts instead of one,
each of which deals 20% less damage and heals 40% less health.

Squeak: Residue

The next explosion of Squeak’s gelatinous lumps allows allies to see
in the bushes for 15 seconds

Belle: Polarity reverser

The shock that Belle fires after activating the gadget bounces off the walls.

Fang: Rotating kick

Fang delivers a spinning kick that hits all enemies around him, stunning them for 1

Ash: Rotten banana

Ash’s health drops by 5%, but Anger instantly increases by 50%.

What do you think of these Brawl Stars news? Don’t miss my video on Youtube where I show all the gadgets!

Don’t forget to follow me in all my SOCIAL below, especially on Twitch And Youtube!

Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
Introvert. Beer guru. Communicator. Travel fanatic. Web advocate. Certified alcohol geek. Tv buff. Subtly charming internet aficionado.

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