In early December, Kakao Games took over the ArcheAge operation. In three weeks, the group banned more than 30,000 accounts from gold sellers or cheats, and he’s still continuing his investigations.
At the beginning of the month, the group Cocoa Games took over the operation ofArcheAge self-employed – after a few years of management entrusted to Gamigo. From the MMORPG is the subject of corrective and balancing patches or even organized animations In the game, but Kakao Games is obviously also working to clean up the video game world.
Since the inauguration ofArcheAge, more than 30,000 player accounts have been banned. The new operator targeted first gold vendors (a few hundred banned accounts), then added players using cheat techniques or feats Banned: In total, more than 10,700 subaccounts and 75 main accounts were banned last week, and yesterday the group Announced the prohibition of 21,600 subaccounts and 629 additional main accounts.
A still “incomplete” count to the extent that several hundred player accounts are also obviously temporarily suspended, while Kakao Games teams investigate suspicious cases (which could therefore be permanently banned and reintegrated into the game depending on the result of investigations).
If Kakao Games asks the players in question to be patient (some have been waiting to be fixed for more than a week), the operator especially encourages players not to use third-party cheats or software that violates the terms of use. . any item obtained fraudulently; in any event, the process could trigger an investigation and therefore a suspension of the accounts in question. We understand that the operator intends above all to discourage potential cheaters from being able to resume operating their MMORPG on a slightly healthier basis.
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