Bluestacks is one, if not the best, of the Android emulators and allows you to run mobile games on the personal computer and play with one keyboard, to mouse or a gamepad.
Until now, the latest version of the free Android emulator was in beta, but as of today BlueStacks 5 it is officially out of this experimental phase.
BlueStacks 5 officially exits beta
The stable version of BlueStacks 5 does not present too many updates compared to the most recent beta, however the main novelty is that it is faster and more stable than BlueStacks 4, with a RAM consumption reduced by 50% compared to before.
Switching from BlueStacks 4 to BlueStacks 5 requires a fresh installation as the two versions are very different, but unfortunately BlueStacks 5 is still based on Android 7 Nougat, which limits the compatibility for some games.
BlueStacks has more than 1 billion downloads and more than 500 million players worldwide. BlueStacks 5 Android PC Emulator is available for download and can download it from the official site.
Read also: BlueStacks: one, if not the best, of the Android emulators we’ve reviewed
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