Monday, October 7, 2024

Massive changes will occur inside and outside the Earth, 2.75 billion years from now … | Earth | Space | Science Technology | Science News | Malayalam Tech News


Panjia, where dinosaurs survived, then split into what it is today, with many continents and islands. Man has rapidly replaced Earth … A lot has happened on Earth in the last 2.60 billion years. Researchers have found that the Earth’s heartbeat occurs every 2.75 million years. The study was published in Geoscience Frontiers.

The study estimates that seismic activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sea level rise, and mass extinctions occur every 2.75 million years. Michael Rampino, a New York University geologist and researcher who led the study, says that many geologists believe that earthquakes occur at regular intervals. The study also notes that the next Earth’s heartbeats are about 20 million years apart, so there’s no need to worry too much about that now.

The new findings are based on the use of available data on earthquakes and phenomena over the past 260 million years. Some of these movements, described as the heartbeat of the earth, have caused great changes on the earth. “Such terrestrial phenomena have led to mass extinctions on land and water. The study says that the rapid increase in the movement of the layers of the earth has caused volcanic eruptions, floods that have submerged the continents and rise in sea levels.

Most of these earthquakes are estimated to occur at intervals of approximately 2.7 billion years. That is why they describe 2.70 crore years as the period of the heartbeat of the earth. Every beat of the earth produced great changes.

Geologists in the 1920s and 1930s thought that the interval between such phenomena was 30 million years. In the 1980s and 1990s, this interval was estimated to be between 2.62 million years and 30 million years. The study also shows that the extinction of living things on Earth occurred between 2.75 million years ago.

In 2018, two researchers from the University of Sydney made a similar finding. At the time, a study of the Earth’s carbon cycle and Earth’s layers found that significant terrestrial phenomena occurred every 2.60 billion years. This adds to the reliability of the finding that large-scale changes occur on Earth between 2.60 million and 30 million years ago.

Credit for information: Geoscience Frontiers

English summary: Earth has a pulse of 27.5 million years


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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
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