Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mossad involved in Hamas missile attack? Reports out | Mossad | Defense | Technology Defense News | Malayalam Tech News


The Israeli-Palestinian border and Gaza have witnessed some of the highest tensions in recent years. The fighting subsided on May 21 when Hamas and the Israeli army agreed to an unconditional ceasefire. During the 11 days of the conflict, some of the missiles fired by Hamas against Israel reached the Palestinian territories. Now it is being revealed that the Israeli spy agency Mossad is behind this.

The Israeli Mossad is one of the most powerful spy agencies in the world. The Mossad is known to carry out missions in any country without hesitation. Mossad is rumored to be behind the recent assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist. Some European media have reported, citing intelligence sources, that Mossad has now deflected Hamas missiles.

There are two possibilities for Israeli intervention in Hamas missiles. The first was during a rocket launch from Iran into Gaza. The second possibility is to move between the Hamas members in Palestine and change the missile control systems. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving office.

Hamas fired some 4,000 missiles during the conflict with Israel. Of these, 16 percent did not even make it to Israel. They fell on Gaza or the Israeli border. 680 missiles missed their target. They have fallen and killed people in some places.

At the same time, the Iron Dome, Israel’s missile defense system, is 90 percent efficient. The Iron Dome will destroy 90 percent of the missiles fired by Hamas in the air.

Hamas has been collecting various levels of missiles for several years. Israel claims that Hamas has enough missiles to launch for two consecutive months. One of Mossad’s main goals is to reduce the clarity of Hamas’s missile production plans.

Following the announcement of the ceasefire, Israel and Hamas claimed victory. At least 248 Palestinians are estimated to have lost their lives in the conflict. Twelve people died on the Israeli side during the conflict.

English Summary: Israeli Mossad Agents Reportedly ‘Tampering’ With Hamas Rockets So Hundreds ‘Missed’

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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
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