Some time ago we introduced you to the young game brand Nyfter. The two operators Christof and Alex already reported there what concept they are pursuing and what idea is behind Nyfter. Now we’ve dragged both founders in front of the camera to talk a little more about the whole road to success.

Starting with the idea, going through the establishment and early successes on TikTok, to the next products and expansions of the entire portfolio. What sets Nyfter apart from other hardware brands, and what tracks do you want to jump on in the future? Is TikTok the big channel in focus or is there more to come? The faces behind Nyfter answered all these and many other questions.

At Nyfter’s first preview:

Nyfter – The Story: more than just a “game brand”

What is Nyfter? Video interview with Christof and Alex 2021

From now on you can see on YouTube the responses that Alex and Christof had ready for us. If Nyfter was already interested in you, here’s an even more accurate idea of ​​what to expect from the successful hardware vendors and creators of TikTok:

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