Sunday, October 27, 2024

Signals reach China and Guam with a massive radio station | Defense | China | Defense News | Malayalam Tech News


From space, it looks like China’s 100km power supply network. But actually these are the largest antennas in the world. The ends of these cables extend to two powerful transmitters installed underground. The signals from these Chinese systems, which turn the earth itself into a giant radio station, will travel from China to Guam.

Participating scientists and engineers explain that the giant antenna was installed to communicate with submarines and for other civil purposes. At the same time, the Chinese authorities were not even prepared to reveal the exact location of this Chinese antenna. The only information is that it is found somewhere in the Dabi Mountains, which stretch across China’s Hubei, Anhui, and Henan provinces.

According to a study published last month in the Chinese Journal of Ship Research, signals from these Chinese antennas are easily received up to 700 feet below sea level, 1,300 km from the antenna. Consequently, Chinese signals will reach parts of the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Shah Ming, chief engineer of the project at the Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, said the system could transmit signals abroad at a distance of about 3,000 km. Electromagnetic waves of 0.1 to 300 Hz are emitted through this antenna. These extremely low frequency waves can travel long distances through water and underground. China, in collaboration with Russia, conducted an experiment to determine how far these waves could travel. Russia was able to send such signals up to 7,000 km away.

In addition to submarines, it is believed to be a Chinese project to instruct equipment such as drones capable of navigating underwater. Low-frequency antennas that have been installed on the ground since the 1960s have been popular. The United States had a plan to send a message to submarines anywhere in the world, built with an antenna two-fifths the length of Wisconsin. This antenna in the United States was transmitting signals at a frequency of 76 Hz as early as the 1980s. However, the United States terminated the project in 2005 because it did not live up to the expectations of the military. The Chinese explain that they are ready to build a giant antenna realizing the shortcomings of these plans.

English summary: China’s antenna turns Earth into a giant radio station, with signals reaching Guam


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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
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