WhatsApp is developing a new feature: everyone is concerned about what is being said about them behind their backs and what is the photo that some take of them in special moments, which prompts them to try to find out what is being said about them by asking them questions. people directly, which is an extraordinary ability, so imagine with us if you have a way to find out that would be a great, great advantage.
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The technology giant, Meta, Facebook is working on the best way in the instant messaging application (WhatsApp) to notify you when you have been mentioned in the chats that you will be a part of, and this makes the arrival of notifications more useful and useful. . more efficient than now.
Currently, through the WhatsApp application, you only receive a written alert, but with the development of the company (Meta), you will get a new feature that allows you to know who mentioned or replied to you through chat or within. groups in the app, it will show you the profile picture of the person who spoke to you with alert and notice of that.
This simple tweak gives WhatsApp users a quick update on who is talking to or about them, and this feature is among several new features that have been accessed to make using the app more advanced and seamless, as they are all designed to make notifications more useful to the user, faster and easier to engage the user than any other app in there are many apps today.
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