Epic Games Free Games Collection brings you the exciting action adventure this week. tied to the wind by developer studies 5 lives free. You have between February 10 and 17 to get the game. You only have to click on it once and then you can keep it permanently in your game library.

tied to the wind

Players will travel between the Forbidden Islands as the shipwrecked warrior Kara in Windbound, trying to unravel the mystery behind this lost paradise and find their way home. Windbound is presented as a lively mix of genres with a magical aspect of Zelda BOTW. Here you will find RPG, action and adventure games along with survival elements.

You can read more about the game in our Windbound Preview article here.

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Here you can wind free pick

you can yourselves winbound Download it free from the Epic Games Store for exactly one week. After that, the free game changes again and there is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons free. If you want to know what titles Epic has already released for free, take a look here: Epic Games – Free Game Collection: List of all games

A week ago:

Free with Epic Games: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair