Sunday, October 27, 2024

China flies hypersonic spacecraft abandoned by NASA | China | NASA | Defense News | Malayalam Tech News


China successfully tests a hypersonic plane rejected by NASA two decades ago NASA unveiled the design of the plane, which is capable of traveling at speeds of up to 4 Macs 8 (4900-9800 km / h), led by Ming Han Tang , born in China. If the engine was in the center of a typical hypersonic aircraft, the twin engines were placed under the wings on either side of the aircraft, which was called the TSV Xplane.

The South China Morning Post reports that China has successfully tested a hypersonic aircraft rejected by NASA citing high-cost and technical problems. Ming Han Tang, a Chinese-American, introduced the concept of this hypersonic aircraft in the 1990s as part of NASA’s hypersonic program. It was introduced as an airplane that travels at low speeds like a normal airplane and changes up to five times faster than sound when necessary. NASA eventually concluded that the motion of the twin-engine hypersonic plane in the air was complicated when it was moving faster than sound.

NASA abandoned the project in the early 2000s for a number of reasons. According to the Chinese official media SCMP, the Nanjing University aviation experts were led by Tan Huijun, a member of Tang’s team. This hypersonic aircraft was designed for the Chinese team to successfully test flight in several seconds from Mac 4 to Mac 8 in the wind tunnel. They also found that the engine ran smoothly in complex situations.

Currently, China’s hypersonic vehicles and weapons are achieved faster than sound with the help of missiles. After accelerating to the required height, the rocket shuts down and takes control of the engine. By 2035, China aims to build a hypersonic plane with ten passengers that can reach any part of the Earth in less than an hour.

English summary: China builds new hypersonic aircraft based on prototype rejected by NASA

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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
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