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VACCINATION CERTIFICATE. Anyone vaccinated against Covid-19 in France receives a vaccination certificate that will serve as proof of the current health pass on June 9. The paper certificate can be stored via a QR code in the TousAntiCovid application. It is also possible to download it through a teleservice

[Mise à jour lundi 7 juin à 19h14] The health pass will come into force on June 9 in France. At the end of each injection of a dose of Covid-19 vaccine, the vaccinated person receives 2 documents: the vaccination summary and l ‘vaccination certificate certificate. The vaccination summary It is a document to which the vaccinated person does not have and will not have independent access, unlike the certified vaccination certificate. This summary includes the lot number of the injected vaccine (information that does not appear in the certificate codes). The attestation she can be digitally integrated via QR code scan in TousAntiCovid-Carnet. It is only valid when the vaccination schedule is complete that is, both doses have been administered. Otherwise it remains in status in progress “. The valid certificate constitutes one of the three health pass tests with RT-PCR test or antigen test and the Covid-19 recovery certificate. You can request the vaccination certificate (or the other two documents) during meetings in the national territory or cross borders. As of May 27 you can uploaded through a teleservice created by health insurance. The Health Insurance will make available in the teleservice the possibility of download vaccination certificates certified in accordance with European standards and bilingual French-English, as of June 21. How to have Download it? How does it look? Info.

Definition: what is the Covid vaccination certificate?

The vaccination certificate is a Certification official of the French administration of vaccination against Covid-19 disease. This certificate is issued immediately after the act of vaccination. It can be stored in the TousAntiCovidCarnet application in digital format through a QR-Code, to be used in case of travel or meetings in France. Most countries ask to provide documents upon entering their territory indicating a recent negative test (often RT-PCR), recovery test or some vaccination certificates already vaccinated. The goal is to limit the risks of virus transmission (and variants) between countries and during transport, allowing the resumption of international travel.

Example: what is the paper certificate like?

The vaccination certificate contains the following information:

  • identification of the vaccinated person;
  • name of the vaccine for the last injection;
  • date of last injection and vaccination status.

This certified vaccination certificate also includes two visible electronic stamps. :

  • a Datamatrix (a kind of QR code) that authenticates the document through the 2D-DOC standard, used by the French administration to certify its documents,
  • a QR code allowing the user who wishes to store their digitized certificate in the TousAntiCovid Card functionality (present in the TousAntiCovid tracking application). “This allowshave a unique and official authentication of the test and vaccination certificates, which will be recognized by the Government, the competent authorities, then secondly by the countries of the European Union and foreign countries when crossing borders ” recalls Health Insurance in its press release.

covid vaccination attestation
Example of a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19. © Health insurance

Since May 3, 2021, anyone vaccinated against Covid-19 has been manually delivered, after their injection, a vaccination certificate called a “certificate.” in paper format, by the healthcare professional authorized for vaccination. This vaccination certificate is produced from the Covid Vaccine teleservice launched on January 4, 2021 by Health Insurance, of which the health professional has already been able to download the summary of the vaccine to deliver to the patient.

The patient can download their certified vaccination certificate through a specific teleservice established by health insurance with which you can identify through FranceConnect.

After each injection of a dose of vaccine, a new version of the certificate is available.

People who do not master digital tools or not have access can ask the professional for their paper certificate or in the middle who vaccinated them or, failing that, pick it up from your treating doctor or any other health professional.

If you have been vaccinated before Monday, May 3, You can get your certificate directly through the medical insurance teleservice.

The vaccination certificate can be downloaded through a teleservice configured by Health Insurance on any type of terminal: computer, tablet or smartphone. This service makes it easy to obtain a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19 after each injection received in France. It is intended for beneficiaries of a French health insurance plan. For you identify yourself with FranceConnect, You will need your access codes to your Ameli account, your msa account, your tax area …

  • Follow
  • Identify yourself with France Connect: choose the personal account you want to connect with: ameli health insurance account, personal space of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), special area of ​​ or any other service that offers FranceConnect authentication.
  • Click on the button “Continue with the vaccine certificate – Medical insurance” to download it in PDF format.
  • You can then save the certificate to your smartphone, computer or tablet and then print it or take a photo of it if you have downloaded it to a computer and do not have a printer to print it on your phone. After each injection of a dose of vaccine, a new version of the certificate is available.

The Health Insurance will make available in the teleservice the possibility of downloading certified vaccination certificates meet European standards and bilingual French-English, from June 21.

© Tous AntiCovid-Carnet

The vaccination certificate can be downloaded and stored in the TousAntiCovid-Carnet application.

  • Download the TousAntiCovid app for free at App store or Google Play Store.
  • On the first page of the application, scroll down and click on “My Book”.
  • Go to the bottom of the page and click “Scan the QR code”.
  • Scan the QR code located to the right of the paper certificate.
  • If you need help importing your certificate, you can call the hotline at 0800 08 71 48 (7 days a week from 9 am to 8 pm).

It is possible to keep your vaccination certificate in PDF format. So ;

  • Follow
  • Identify yourself with France Connect: choose the personal account you want to connect with: ameli health insurance account, personal space of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), special area of ​​ or any other service that offers FranceConnect authentication.
  • Click on the button “Continue with the vaccination certificate – Medical insurance” to download in PDF format.
  • You can then save the certificate to your smartphone, computer or tablet and then print it or take a photo.

The vaccination certificate is only valid when the vaccination cycle is complete. Even if a certified vaccination certificate is available after each injection, it specifies that the vaccination is “in progress” if the second dose has not yet been carried out.

► If you have ever received Covid, you only need one shot of the vaccine. Currently, this poses some problems for Ameli’s teleservice to download its certificate. In fact, the teleservice indicates to these people that the vaccination is “in progress”. On your website, Health Insurance explains that the person whose vaccination certificate shows “current vaccination cycle” after contracting Covid-19 and receiving a first dose, you may go to a health professional (doctor, pharmacist, midwife, nurse) who can enter the Covid Vaccines teleservice. Should Bring the positive result of your RT-PCR test (between 3 and 6 months). The healthcare professional can then indicate in Covid Vaccine that the person’s vaccination cycle has ended and then edit the updated certificate.

  • April 19th – Launch of the TousAntiCovid card in the TousAntiCovid application
  • April 19th – Display of positive and negative test certificates: the examined patient receives an SMS to connect to the SI-DEP portal and retrieve their certificate to import it into the TousAntiCovid Card
  • April 29 – Display of vaccination certificates: the patient can retrieve their vaccination certificate after the act of vaccination to import it into the TousAntiCovid Card
  • May 16 – Direct patient access to the SI-DEP portal to retrieve their test results. Second fortnight of May – Direct patient access to a medical insurance teleservice to collect their vaccination certificates.
  • may 27th: online teleservice that allows you to download your vaccination certificate at


Press release. Launch of certified vaccination certificates. Health Insurance. May 3, 2021

Test certificates and vaccination certificates to ensure travel within the European Union. Ministry of Health. April 19, 2021.

Mortimer Rodgers
Mortimer Rodgers
Professional bacon fanatic. Explorer. Avid pop culture expert. Introvert. Amateur web evangelist.

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