October 29, 2020 21:43:05
(Image: Sony)
Sony Released a new update for the PlayStation app Android And iOS.. This update precedes the global release of PlayStation 5 on November 12th. The redesigned app comes with PS Store integration, voice chat, PS5 remote storage management and more. Separately, the company has integrated the PS messaging app into the PlayStation app and removed the PS messaging app from the Play Store and App Store.
The redesign provides a cleaner, user-friendly interface design that allows users to connect, discover, and control content. Previously used only for PlayStation 4 support, now PlayStation 5 support has also been added.
With this update, the company has also added several PS5-specific features, including the ability to remotely manage PS5 storage and sign in to launch games remotely.
Other features on both PS4 and PS5 include voice chat, messaging, purchasing new releases, pre-ordering games, checking deals and discounts, downloading games to PlayStation, and more.
You can use to download the app to your phone Google Play store or Apple App Store. After installing the app on your smartphone, you can sign in with your PlayStation Network account to enjoy all the benefits of the app.
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In other news, Sony also revealed a list of free games for PS4 owners that will be bundled with the PlayStation Plus subscription in November. In addition, the company is also surprised by PS5 users. The two free games include Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition. PlayStation 5 owners will be able to get upcoming Bugsnax games for free. Both PS4 games will be available to PS + subscribers until the end of November. However, Bugsnax will be available until January 4, 2021.
Bugsnax will be available from November 12th for download by PS5 owners. Meanwhile, Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition will be available from November 3rd.
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