Social media and news agencies are still discussing last day’s Israeli air strikes. The Israeli air force demolished an 11-story building that housed various media outlets. The attack was a warning. However, it is alleged that the Israeli army did not allow the shipment.
The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a US Air Force F-16 fighter jet, and three missiles were fired. Everything fell apart in an instant. However, the Israeli army claimed that it had been warned an hour earlier and that some members of the Hamas group were inside the building.
There was only one elevator in the Al-Jala Tower, the headquarters of media outlets such as Al Jazeera and the Associated Press. The 11-story building in Gaza City has more than 60 residential apartments and several offices, including the Al Jazeera Media Network and the Associated Press. The Al Jazeera spokesman said it was not easy to relocate in such a short time.
“We left the elevator for the elderly and children,” said an independent Palestinian journalist. He added that we would all withdraw and that those who could help the children had taken them down. Everyone was running fast with life.
The Israeli army, which has been bombing Gaza for six days, had issued a telephone warning. Residents were given an hour to evacuate the building before the fighter jets attacked. An AP journalist begged an Israeli intelligence officer over the phone for 15 minutes. We have a lot of equipment, including cameras and other equipment, and he asked for 15 more minutes to get it all out, but he refused. Jawad Mahdi, the owner of the building, also tried to buy more time.
English Summary: ‘Give Us 10 Minutes’: How Israel Bombed Gaza Media Tower
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