One thought that the news about Overwatch 2 would end after the introduction of the new heroine and the announcement of the release date in Early Access on October 4, 2022, at least until the reveal event on Thursday. But even today, Tuesday night, Blizzard still has big news for us.

As the folks behind Overwatch 2 announce, the next beta for the hero shooter sequel will kick off later this month. The next beta is scheduled to start on June 28, which is again limited to PvP content, but has a few other innovations on board.

The evening’s announcement indicated that this time the beta will not be limited to PC, but Xbox and PlayStation players will also be able to experience Overwatch 2 for the first time. Content-wise, there will be a new map as well as the recently revealed new Junker Queen tank heroine for you to try out in the upcoming beta.

Registration for the upcoming Overwatch 2 beta begins Thursday, June 16. As part of the aforementioned reveal events, there will be more information about the beta.

Overwatch 2: Reveal Event | June 16

You can follow the reveal event live here on the live stream. Thursday evening at 7 pm our time is here:

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