Saturday, July 27, 2024

Slay The Spire is becoming a board game


This is the best news ever in 2021. SlayTheSpire is used in board games. Desktop healing turns a small deck-building roguelike of a megacrit game fab into a collaborative adventure of four. Just like in a video game, you need to build a deck to defeat the bad guys, collect relics, and finally defeat the spire.

This is exactly the kind of pickup I needed at the beginning of a pretty boring New Year.

Slay The Spire was the gateway to the deck builder. I am very pleased to be able to enter the world of board games. Slay The Spire: The Board Game is created by a contention game (also created by Desktop Deck Builder Imperium: The Contention) and will release Kickstarter this spring.

So far the details are light, but Contention website The STS board game is for 1 to 4 players and can be played in 45 minutes per player, making it a “cooperative deck building adventure”.

“Create unique decks, encounter strange creatures, discover relics of immense power, and finally be strong enough to defeat Spire!” They say. This is basically a video game description, so I hope it will be a familiar experience.

The fact that it’s for 1 to 4 players suggests to me that it could be played as each of the 4 characters currently participating in the video game. Ironclad, Silent (the best girl), Defects, Watchers. It would be nice if they made all those nice little figurines to push around the board. Also, I’ve always wondered what the co-operative Slay The Spire looks like. Aw, I’m already too excited about this.

If for some reason you haven’t played Slay The Spire (The Video Game) yet, play away now. We consider it one of the best PC games of 2020 and one of the best PC games of 10 years. In Slay The Spire’s review, I call this a “design miracle,” but I couldn’t improve it myself.

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Ebenezer Robbins
Ebenezer Robbins
Introvert. Beer guru. Communicator. Travel fanatic. Web advocate. Certified alcohol geek. Tv buff. Subtly charming internet aficionado.

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