“brb, afk” – This statement is found in a player chat and has a clear meaning. In this article we will explain what is behind the acronyms AFK and brb.
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1 AFK and brb – meaning of terms in games
So that you don’t stay AFK the next time you talk to the players, we will explain the meaning of these abbreviations. (Image source: Pixabay, edit game tips)
What is AFK?
AFK is short for the phrase ‘away from the keyboard’ (pronounced ‘äwai de kihbord’). This English expression means ‘away from the keyboard’. This is a sign that players will be out for a short period of time. If they are away from the keyboard, they can’t respond either.
Being AFK always means that the absence is temporary. In AFK there is always an intention to return. Most of the time, the trigger for this is just a short activity, like receiving a package.
AFK Arena mobile game advertises that you can play it while you are AFK. (Image source: Google Play Store)
What does brb mean?
The abbreviation brb stands for ‘be right back’ (pronounced ‘bi reit bäck’) and stands for ‘be right back’. brb has the same meaning as AFK. At brb, however, there is a promise to return soon. That is why this abbreviation is used more in chats within games.
Using the acronyms doesn’t mean you’re actually moving away from PC or console. AFK and brb only indicate that more attention is needed elsewhere.
Do you want to learn more about the language of the players?
Then take a look at our list of game terms, where we explain all the important words and abbreviations.
Examples of use of the abbreviations AFK and brb
I’m just AFK, it rang.
baby, eat.
Sorry I was just AFK.
My brain is really AFK right now.
Talking to players can be difficult if you don’t speak their language. So that you don’t screw up, we have compiled phrases for you that no player likes to hear:
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